Masinga Clinic - Kinshasa, DRC

Sephora Pharmacy was a faith-based medical resource that was currently serving the local community in Kinshasa by providing free or low-cost, vitally needed medication to combat disease and infection from common illnesses. We are in the process of augmenting the pharmacy and turning it into a full clinic, named Masinga Clinic, with more medical services to aid the local community. This project is our main focus at the moment.

Blaise’s own mother tragically died several years ago because she was unable to get simple medications that are common and easily obtained in many other countries. The preventable death of his mother inspired Blaise and his wife, Mireille, to ensure that others would not meet the same tragic end. Thus, Sephora Pharmacy was born. All medicines that were available at Sephora clinic and that will be available at the new Masinga Clinic have so far been funded mostly by Blaise and his wife, Mireille out of their own finances. The goal of opening Masinga Clinic would be to raise money to sustain proper supplies of medicine, start to hire more healthcare workers to provide broader care, and open Masinga Clinic to the public as soon as possible. After that, Masinga Foundation wants to spread clinics like the Masinga Clinic to other parts of the DRC, like in Kikwit, where Blaise is from originally.
